Tutorial Photoshop

"Saatnya meng - Upgrade ilmu Photoshop Anda - setara dengan Desainer Holywood..!"
Mungkin Anda telah belajar beberapa buku photoshop buatan Indonesia. 1 buku, 2 buku atau bahkan 20 buku. Anda mungkin sudah merasa lumayan menguasai photoshop.
namun kali ini saya ingin merobek amplop yang isinya adalah petunjuk rahasia bahwa yang sudah Anda pelajari hanyalah “kulit”-nya saja !

“DVD Photoshop Top Secret”
DVD ini cocok bagi anda sekalian yang mau belajar photoshop secara mandiri.
Beda DVD ini dengan DVD tutorial photoshop yang lain adalah di DVD kita tidak
hanya di beri tutorial saja tetapi juga di ajarkan untuk memanipulasi grafik dan belajar untuk membuat spesial efek dengan menggunakan Photoshop.
Di luar negeri DVD ini Sangat laris .

DVD ini terdiri dari 5 DVD yang berformat video tutorial jadi tinggal nonton aja

Terus, Apa sih sebenarnya paket Rahasia Photoshop ini ?


Pada dvd pertama, Anda sudah mulai dikenalkan dengan desain kreatif. Desain poster-poster bioskop Holywood, ilusi wajah, Surreal mist, efek khusus, dll


Pada DVD kedua, Anda akan mengenal banyak teknik langka & mengagumkan. Melukis wajah, Teknik masking, Teknik Pembuatan cover DVD, Blend Tato ke badan, grafis web, Mengganti wajah


Pada DVD ketiga, Anda akan menemui efek-efek yang mungkin belum pernah Anda bayangkan. Membuat efek berlumur cokelat, Efek lilin, Efek invisible, Efek keluar layar dll


Pada DVD ke empat ini, Anda akan dituntun menguasai Swapping, desain latar artistik, Efek smoke & gelembung, desain vektor dll.
 DVD 5

saya tampilkan screenshoot langsung di dalam tutorialnya :
Selengkapnya klik www.photoshoptopsecret.com
Tenang saja, kini Anda tidak perlu download lagi.
  1. Paket DVD ini dikemas dalam bentuk 5 DVD fisik
  2. Dikirim langsung ke rumah Anda Menggunakan Jasa TIKIJNE. Jika Anda tinggal di Kota, bisa sehari sampai. Sekarang pesan, besok sampai.

Siapa sih pembuatnya ?
Mark Monchiardini – Pemegang Hall of Fame Photoshop Internasional Award

Melanie Stimbell – Maestro Photoshop wanita lulusan sekolah desain di Italy.
 sample video :

Mereka bisa, jadi Anda pun pasti bisa juga !

  • poppa-z
    “I can accomplish in hours what had previously taken days! Thanks to Marks training tutorials I now use Photoshop exclusively for all my photo editing and creative tasks.” -Poppa Z
  • william-j
    “I now get top dollar for my work! My confidence has been raised greatly and it's due to Marks lessons. I feel I can call myself a Photoshop expert now.”-William J Imhoff
  • mark-b
    “Boost your potential and expertise in a very reliable way! I think Mark's Photo Tips is really a must have for all Photoshop user skill levels.”-Mark Beroys
  • paola-m
    “I was quite entertained for hours! I recommend that anybody looking to learn some good tips and tricks in this area give Mark a try and search no further.”-Paola Merkaba
  • pam-l
    “They're so well done and easy to use! I have found that each one of your CDs is just chuck full of valuable information and tips.”-Pam Logan
  • ralph-b
  • “It has been a marriage made in HEAVEN, a 'photoshop teacher student marriage' that is. I can almost do anything I want to do now.”-Ralphbeachmangraphicsonline.com
  • sean-p
    “Your products are a GODSEND! I am telling all of my friends! It has answered many questions for me and I view it often for more guidance with my projects.”- Sean Paul www.impactmagic.com
  • jonas-o
    “Everyone can do it! You just have to learn the basic skills and you are on your way! I've spent most time with Mark's different restoration techniques.”Jonas OlsonSweden
  • robbie-r
    “Mark's work is definitely the best! The reason I selected his course is because he makes it so EASY to understand.”-Robbie Resendez Phoenix, Arizona
  • jeffrey-r
    “Folks, I've seen and bought it all... Boring books, photoshop training CDs whose authors will simply put you to sleep, until I came across Mark's training videos.”-Jeffrey Rookard Detroit, Michigan
  • irene-k
    “A big thank u Mark. The way you were handling the tutorial was so amazing. You made me laugh and made everything sound soooooooo fun!”-Irene Koromia
  • g-moore
    “Two thumbs up! Mark's simplified approach to teaching is extremely helpful and very refreshing compared to what else is available for photoshop beginners.”-G Moore Onatrio, Canada
  • rinaldo-t
    “It's really really cool! I learned a lot! I learned the dos and don'ts in making design and also great tips to make my designs better and more organize.”-Rinaldo Tan
  • david-c
    “I use this as a tutorial tool for students and they love it! I found it entertaining and I learned how to do it!” The students call Mark “Mark the amazing yank.”-David Cornford High School Teacher
  • carsten
    “I can follow every step you make! After several trials to master this Photoshop with books, I nearly gave up. Your instructions are so easy to follow and never boring!”-Carsten
  • bryan-t
    “It's sooooo worth the investment! I love the straight-forwardness, yet so in-depth tutorials. Your method is what stays with me the most.”-Bryan Thomas Oklahoma City, OKVizMagic.com

    Garansi Uang Kembali bila dalam 7 hari barang tidak datang 
    (terkecuali bila terjadi bencana alam, kesalahan alamat yg dituju, kesalahan jasa pos dan pengiriman, dan lain sebagainya)